Based on Alain Robbe-Grillet’s novel Glissements Progressifs du Plaisir and his film by the same name in the 1970s, THE RAY (2013)demonstrates the complex relationship between two young girls and implies a mysterious homicide. The video manages to simply itself in terms of form, with no dialogue and few references to any specific environment, only an intense light making the image seemingly neutral and abstract, more concerned to the state of mind and relationship.


The Ray,Single Channel HD Video,Color, Sound,5’19”,2013,Ed.5+1AP
光,单频⾼清录像,彩⾊, 有声,5分19秒,2013,Ed.5+1AP



Liu Yujia Solo Exhibition: The Third Man, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, 2015
“刘雨佳个展: 第三人”,外滩三号沪申画廊, 上海,2015;

EL Lisstzky’s Rooms, Surplusspace,Wuhan,2020

Video Bureau Archive 90: Liu Yujia,Beijing,Guangzhou, 2019
 “录像局 档案 90:刘雨佳”,北京、广州,2019

Rip It Up!- 2nd ChangJiang International Photography and Video Biennale, Chongqing Changjiang Museum of Contemporary Art, Chongqing, 2017
“万丈高楼平地起—第二届长江国际影像双年展”,重庆长江当代 美术馆,重庆,2017

On Drawing: Visibility of Power, J Gallery, Shanghai, 2017
《力的能见度》,J GALLERY,上海,2017

Community of Celibates, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, 2016

The Film Sector, Art Basel HK, Hong Kong, 2015