Liu Yujia graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and obtained her master's degree from London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. She currently lives and works in Beijing.

Liu’s short films weave documentary footage, literature, ethnography, folklore, and travelogue into embodied and affective experiences. Taking the physical landscape of Asia for her subject matter and setting, her lyrical style unsettles the line between straight documentary and narrative storytelling. Meditative and symbolic, Liu’s work often relegates humans to the status of minor characters by focusing on other forms of life.

Recent solo exhibitions include MadeIn Art Museum, Shanghai (2023); Tang Contemporary Art Center, Beijing (2023, 2017, 2016); Surplus Space, Wuhan (2021); DRC No.12, Beijing (2021) ; Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai (2015).

Group exhibitions include the “Cosmos Cinema”—14th Shanghai Biennale in 2023; “Why Not Ask Again” —11th Shanghai Biennale in 2016; “Being Theoria”—4th Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art in 2022, Hangzhou; 2022 Beijing Biennale; “Extreme Mix”—Guangzhou Airport Biennale in 2019,Guangzhou; University Art Gallery—University of Pittsburgh, USA; Moss Art Center, Virginia, USA; Ulsan Art Museum,Ulsan, Korea; Sprueth Magers, Berlin, Germany ; Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf, Germany; White Rabbit Museum, Sydney, Australia; CFCCA, Manchester, UK; Troy House Art Fundation, London, UK;Kadist Foundation, San Francisco,USA; Arad Contemporary Art Center, Israel; CAFA Art Museum,Beijing; HOW Art Museum, Shanghai; Power Station of Art Museum, Shanghai; Fosun Foundation, Shanghai; By Art Matters, Hangzhou; G Museum, Nanjing, Jiangsu; He Art Museum, Shunde, Guangdong; M Woods Museum, Beijing; UCCA DUNE Art Museum, Beidaihe; OCAT Shanghai; OCAT Shenzhen, OCAT Beijing; Lianzhou Photo Museum, Lianzhou; Moca Yinchuan,Yinchuan; Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai; China Port Museum, etc. Her video works and films have been screened in Centre Pompidou, Paris and Hongkong M+ Museum, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hongkong, and other museums and institutes around the world. She has been nominated for the 2018-2019 Porsche "Young Chinese Artist of the Year" Award and "2022 OCAT × KADIST Emerging Media Artist Program".


刘雨佳曾在没顶美术馆(上海,2023)、当代唐人艺术中心(北京,2023,  2017,2016)、剩余空间(武汉,2021)、外交公寓12号(北京,2021)、与上海外滩三号沪申画廊(上海,2015)举办个展。

其作品展出于“宇宙电影”-2023年第十四届上海双年展;“何不再问”-2016年第十一届上海双年展;“缓存在”2022年第四届杭州纤维艺术三年展;2022年首届北京艺术双年展;“极限混合”2019年广州空港双年展;美国匹兹堡大学美术馆、美国弗吉尼亚莫斯艺术中心、韩国蔚山市立美术馆、德国施布特·玛格画廊、德国杜塞尔多夫尤莉娅·施托舍克收藏、澳大利亚白兔美术馆、英国曼彻斯特CFCCA、英国伦敦Troy House艺术基金会、美国旧金山卡蒂斯特艺术基金会、以色列Arad 当代艺术中心、中央美术学院美术馆、上海昊美术馆、上海当代艺术博物馆、上海复星艺术中心、杭州天目里美术馆、南京金鹰美术馆、广东顺德和美术馆、北京木木美术馆、UCCA沙丘美术馆、OCAT上海/深圳/北京、连州摄影博物馆、银川当代美术馆、上海民生现代美术馆、中国港口博物馆等大型机构。她的单屏影像作品也曾于法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心与香港M+博物馆、香港大馆当代美术馆等博物馆与机构进行放映。她曾被提名“保时捷中国青年艺术家双年评选”(2019)与“OCAT × KADIST青年媒体艺术家项目”(2022)。