Ginseng grows deep in the forest of the Changbai Mountains, in Northeast Asia. It is an essential part of the understory ecosystem primarily composed of Pinus koraiensis (commonly known as Korean pine or red pine). Traditionally, ginseng is viewed as a manifestation of humans in the plant kingdom, with its medicinal properties closely associated with this belief. Even today, the mountaineers of Changbai Mountain preserve age-old rituals and customs, incorporating indigenous ecological thinking within their practices. In recent years, cultivated ginseng has emerged as a significant cash crop, leading to the establishment of numerous ginseng cultivation sites and markets across the Changbai Mountain region. The artist visited the Wanliang Ginseng Market in Fusong County, capturing its essence on 16mm film during summer and winter. As the largest ginseng trading market in Asia, it serves as a captivating environment to explore the myriad expressions and conditions of people involved in the ginseng industry. The abundance of ginseng, swiftly cultivated under human supervision, stands as a testament to the complicated relationship between nature and humans. In the exhibition, the depiction of the Changbai Mountains' ginseng market resonates with the portrayal of the Hotan jade market in Treasure Hunt , invoking a comparison between the extraction and circulation of resources in two frontier regions.

长白山人参生长在东北亚森林的深处,是以红松为主的林下生态的一部分。人参在中国传统宇宙观被想象为人在植物界的化身,其药用功效也与传统宇宙观之间想象有着关联。直至今天,长白山的跑山人还保存着传统的仪式和习俗,其背后隐藏着民间的生态思想。近年来人工种植的园参是一个重要的经济作物。长白山地区遍布着人参种植基地和人参市场。艺术家于夏冬两季用16 毫米胶片拍摄了抚松万良人参市场,这也是亚洲最大的人参交易市场。市场空间里,我们看到人参产业链中不同人的表情和状态,也看到堆积如山的、在人类控制下迅速催生的人参。在展览中,长白山的人参市场与《寻宝》中的和田玉石市场隔空呼应,激发我们对于两个边疆资源采集和流通之间的比照。

A Darkness Shimmering in the Light-Liu Yujia,Tang Contemporary Art ,Beijing,2023
"微光渐暗-刘雨佳", 唐人当代艺术中心,北京,2023

The Market,Single channel film 16mm film transferred to 2K digital video, Color, silent,19' 53'',2023,5+2AP
市场,单通道影像,16mm 胶片转2K 数字影像,彩色,无声,19 分53 秒,2023,5+2AP




Liu Yujia:A Darkness Shimmering in the Light,Tang Contemporary Art,798 Art District,Beijing,2023
“刘雨佳个展: 微光渐暗”, 当代唐人艺术中心北京主空间,北京,2023

Cosmo Cinema-14th Shanghai Biennale,Power Station of Art, Shanghai,2023