Between 2022 to 2023, the artist embarked on four filming trips into the Changbai Mountains and the upstream region of the Songhua River. She captured documentary footage of activities such as logging, hunting, ginseng digging, fishing, and more, using video mediums like 16mm film, digital camera, drone, and GoPro. Throughout this process, the artist not only experienced the changing seasons of nature but also encountered immense challenges posed by extreme weather conditions, particularly the harsh cold, which tested her physical and mental resilience as well as the filming process itself. The film A Darkness Shimmering in the Light portrays the frozen Songhua River as a gateway to a journey through time and space. By integrating segments from ethnography of Siberia and the Xing'an Mountains, Northeastern literature, and folklore into the documentary footage, the artist constructs a series of fictional ecological narratives. The rivers, mountains, forests, and ice at the border become a constant yet ever-transforming stage, while wind and snow serve as poetic mediums that connect the past with the present. Plants, animals and humans intertwine and coexist on equal footing. The film endeavors to unravel the binary oppositions between nature and culture, science and mythology, technology and ecology, and humans and non-humans, employing a poetic language that develops a sense of empathy between the artist and the natural world.

2022 年至2023 年间,艺术家在长白山和松花江上游地区进行了四次旅行拍摄。她利用16 毫米电影胶片、数码摄像、无人机、GoPro 等多种影像媒介拍摄了伐木、狩猎、采集人参、捕鱼等大量纪录影像。这个过程中,艺术家不仅亲历了自然的变化,也遭遇了极寒等极端气候因素给身心以及拍摄带来的巨大挑战。影片《微光渐暗》把冰封的松花江视为一个时空穿梭的入口。通过向纪录影像中融入西伯利亚地区和兴安岭地区民族志、东北文学和民间神话传说的片段,艺术家虚构了一系列的生态故事:边境上的河流、山脉、森林和冰层是恒定又变幻的舞台;风雪作为诗意的介质勾连起过往与当下;动植物和人类平等地缠绕共生。影片试图以诗化的语言去破解自然- 文化、科学- 神话、技术- 生态、人- 非人之间的二元对立,其中也洋溢着艺术家与自然万物之间的共情。

A Darkness Shimmering in the Light-Liu Yujia,Tang Contemporary Art ,Beijing,2023 PDF Download
"微光渐暗-刘雨佳", 唐人当代艺术中心,北京,2023

A Darkness Shimmering in the Light, '' Territory'', Sprüth Magers, Berlin, Germany, 2024
微光渐暗, “疆界Territory”,施布特-玛格画廊,柏林,德国,2024

A Darkness Shimmering in the Light, Single channel 4K film, 16mm film transferred to 2K digital video, Color, 5.1 surround sound, 64' 17", 2023, 5+2AP
微光渐暗,单通道4K 影像, 16mm 胶片转2K 数字影像, 彩色,5.1 声道, 64 分17 秒, 2023, 5+2AP




Territory,Sprüth Magers, Berlin, Germany, 2024

Liu Yujia:Mountains Tell Mountains Boo,MadeIn Art Museum,Shanghai,2023
 “刘雨佳个展: 故事山脉”,没顶美术馆,上海,2023

Liu Yujia:A Darkness Shimmering in the Light,Tang Contemporary Art,798 Art District,Beijing,2023 PDF Download
“刘雨佳个展: 微光渐暗”, 当代唐人艺术中心北京主空间,北京,2023

Screening:Green Snake:Special ScrenningJC Cube,Tai Kwun Contemporary,Hongkong,2023

2023 Chengdu International Photo Festival,Chengdu Art Museum,2023