Treasure Hunt centers on historical treasures buried deep underground and jade, a symbol of Eastern culture, in a narrative about expeditions and excavations. The video work is based on archeologist Aurel Stein’s three digs in western China (Xinjiang and Gansu) in the early twentieth century, the archeological logs that he wrote, and Liu’s footage of jade mining, extraction, and trade in Hotan, Xinjiang, in summer 2009 and winter 2019. The work explores archeological excavations and jade mining, two human activities that have a connection to the deeper layers of the earth. The work envisions geological movements that we cannot see and the ways in which the romantic mediums of wind and sand connect vanished history and current reality. Hundred-million-year-old glaciers, the continuous Kunlun range, deep gorges, dry riverbeds, terrifying sandstorms, ancient ruins, and still deserts give the video historical depth, as the artist reconstructs a treasure hunt on the ruins of the present.

《寻宝》这件影像作品围绕着深埋地下的“历史宝藏”与作为东方文化象征的“玉石”这两种宝物,展开了一次关于远征与发掘的叙事。影像内容基于考古学家斯坦因在20世纪初期,在中国西北部(新疆、甘肃)的三次考古发掘及其所著作的考古日志以及艺术家于2009年夏季、2019年冬季在新疆和田地区拍摄的玉石开采、挖掘以及玉石贸易。它探讨了 “考古发掘”与“挖玉” 这两种人类活动与地球深层所建立的连接,想象我们看不见的地表内部的运动。以及“风和沙”作为一种浪漫的介质,它如何勾连起了消逝的历史与当下现实。影像中上亿年的冰川、绵延的昆仑山脉,深邃的峡谷,干枯的河床、可怖的沙尘暴,远古的遗址、死寂的沙漠,这些风景构成了历史的景深,而在现实的废墟之上,艺术家重建了关于“寻宝”的想象。

Treasure Hunt, ON|OFF : 2021 Carousel of Progress, He Art Museum, Shunde,Guangdong,2022
寻宝, "ON|OFF :2021 回到未来", 和美术馆,顺德,广东,2022

Treasure Hunt ,Single Channel 4K Film,Color, Stereo Sound,53'14",2020-2021,5+2AP


The Rearview Landscape, or a Trip of Ownership, UCCA Dune Art Museum, Beidaihe, 2021-2022 PDF Download
《后视景观:一段关于所有权的旅程》, UCCA沙丘美术馆,北戴河, 2021-2022



Screening:Treasure Hunt,Cinemateket Bergen,Norway,2024
放映:“寻宝”, CINEMATEKET卑尔根,挪威,2024

Liu Yujia:A Darkness Shimmering in the Light,Tang Contemporary Art,798 Art District,Beijing,2023
 “刘雨佳个展: 微光渐暗”, 当代唐人艺术中心北京主空间,北京,2023

The Color of Pomegranates,Gaotai Gallery, Urumqi,2023

Silk°N Road°E,W.ONE Space, Shenzhen, 2023
“「经纬」Silk°N Road°E”,深圳万一空间,深圳,2023

 Xinjiang-Focused Art Since the 20th Century, CAFA Art Museum, 2023

Seeking The City, Datong Contemporary Art Season, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 2023

Future, Future, Center for Experimental Film, Shanghai, 2023 

Sulaimani Nomandology of Ulus, Power Station of Art, Shanghai,2022

Liu Yujia Solo Project: Bianjiang Hotel (Border Hotel), DRC No.12, Beijing, 2021

Liu Yujia:Infiltrate Slowly, Surplus Space, Wuhan,2021

Screening: In Translation-The Context of Nature, Sea World Culture &Arts Center, Shenzhen,2022

2022 Beijing Biennial,Beijing,2022

In Solidarity with ____?2022 "OCAT × KADIST Emerging Media Artist Program" Exhibition, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, 2022
“共同的____” 2022 OCAT × KADIST青年媒体艺术家项目展览单元,上海OCAT,上海,2022

The Port and The Image III:Echoes of The Port,China Port Museum, Ningbo, 2022

The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary art of China,Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, 2022
“中国当代艺术年鉴展(上海)2021” ,上海多伦现代美术馆,上海,2022

Future, Future, Center for Experimental Film, Shanghai, 2022

ON/OFF 2021: Carousel of Progress, He Art Museum, Shunde, Guangdong, 2022
“ON|OFF 2021:回到未来”,和美术馆,广东顺德,2022

The Rearview Landscape, or a Trip of Ownership, UCCA Dune Art Museum, Beidaihe, 2022 PDF Download