LIU Yujia’s latest projects are all related to the “borders” and the regions inhabited by the ethnic minority groups. She often gets her inspiration from conducting long-term research and coming into contact with various people in these areas. In her latest work, THE PALE VIEW OF HILLS (2018), we observe in extreme quietnesss the life of a local woman, through the kind of long takes typical of Chantal Akerman. This approach generates a middle ground between fiction and documentation: we seem to be seeing all the details of this particular woman’s life, but in the meantime her mysterious past is shadowed from us; in other words, the protagonist appears to be “living evidence” and we are witnessing the remains of her history and how it gradually dissolves. The spaces in the film are worthy of particular heed, since they often constitute conflicting relationships: quiet living spaces are contrasted with bustling display spaces, the monochromatic Gobi Desert with polychromatic interiors, and ethnic decor with delocalized public spaces (such as the billiards room and the dance hall). These spatial conflicts compose the rhythm of this extremely quiet video, and suggest a perturbated multiplicity of time here.

—Text from NEW METALLURGISTS by YANG Beichen

刘⾬佳近期的计划都与中国的“边疆”,与少数民族地区相关。她往往进⾏长时间的调研⼯作,在当地与不同⼈群进⾏接触,以从中获取灵感。在其刚完成的作品《远⼭淡景》(2018)中,我们透过Chantal Akerman 式的长镜头,以⼀种极度安静的⽅式观察了⼀位当地⼥性的 ⽣活。这种⽅式造成了⼀种介于虚构与纪录之间的状态:我们貌似看到了这位⾝份特殊的⼥性⽣活的全部细节,但又被遮蔽于她神秘的过去之外;或者说,⼥主⼈公仿佛是“活着的证物”,⽽我们正在⽬睹那段历史的遗存与逐渐消逝。影⽚中的空间需要特别注意,它们往往构成彼此冲突的关系:安静的⽣活空间与喧闹的展⽰空间,单⾊调的⼽壁与⾊彩丰富的室内,民族化的装饰与公共空间(台球厅)的去地域化。这种空间冲突形成了这部极为沉静的电影的节奏变化,提⽰着时间在此的多重性。


The Pale View of Hills, New Metallurgists, JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION, Exhibition View. Dusseldorf, 2018 PDF Download
远山淡景 “新冶金者”, JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION, 杜塞尔多夫,2018

The Pale View of Hills,Single Channel 4K Video,Color, Sound,38'26",2018,Ed.5+1AP


Liu Yujia:Mountains Tell Mountains Boo,MadeIn Art Museum,Shanghai,2023 
“刘雨佳个展: 故事山脉”,没顶美术馆,上海,2023

Liu Yujia Solo Project: Bianjiang Hotel (Border Hotel), DRC No.12, Beijing, 2021;

Liu Yujia:Infiltrate Slowly, Surplus Space, Wuhan,2021

Liu Yujia|Never Been There, Vol.18 Digital Archive 2021, Center for Experimental Film, Shanghai, 2021

The Circular Impact: Video Art 21, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, 2021 PDF Download

Screening: The Pale View of Hills, Nanshan Fundation, Xi’an, 2021
放映 “远山淡景”,南山社,西安,2021

Western Theater, Gaotai Gallery, Urumqi, Xinjiang, 2021

Video Bureau Archive 90: Liu Yujia,Beijing,Guangzhou, 2019
“录像局 档案 90:刘雨佳”,北京、广州,2019

Extreme Mix:Guangzhou Airport Biennale,Guangzhou, 2019

His Sunt Leones-gallery weekend Beijing 2019 up & coming sector,798 art zone, 2019
“此地有狮”画廊周北京2019“新势力单元”,798艺术中心,北京, 2019

Screening: 30-min Forecast,N3 Contemporary Art,Beijing, 2019

HOW NOW. The Life APP, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, 2019
“HOW NOW. 生活应用”,昊美术馆,上海,2019

Film Screening:The Pale View of Hills/Unmapping Eurasia,Surplus Space, Wuhan, 2019

New Metallurgists, Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2018 PDF Download
“新冶金者”,JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION,杜塞尔多夫, 德国,2018

HOW NOW. The Life APP, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, 2019
“HOW NOW. 生活应用”,昊美术馆,上海,2019

This is a video work about Reyanam Dawut, the last princess of the Kuqa Uyghur tribe, Xinjiang.
Reyanam Dawut(1966-), 52 years old. The widow of the Dawut Mahsut(1927-2014),the twelfth King of the Kuqa Uyghur tribe of Xinjiang, and his fifth wife. The last Kuqa King, Dawut Mahsut passed away in 2014. His wife Reyanam Dawut, does not have any children. She currently lives alone in the newly renovated King's palace, which is also opened to the public as a part of a historical museum. She is also considered a staff of the museum, who is dressed in the ethnic attires of her tribe, and take photographs with visitors. 60% of the income from taking photographs with the visitors are used to support her living cost, and the other 40% is paid to the museum.

—Text by Liu Yujia






The Circular Impact: Video Art 21, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, 2021 PDF Download