
文 | 蓟,菊科,生长在海拔400-2100米的山坡林、林缘、灌丛、草地、荒地、田间、路旁或溪旁。
译 | 那瑞洁






Envisioning Borderlands
Published in QiLu Criticism

By: Thistle, family Asteraceae, grows on wooded slopes, at forest edges, in thick undergrowth, on grasslands, in wildernesses, on fields, by roadsides, and by riverbanks at altitudes of 400-2,100 meters.
Translated by Bridget Noetzel

Reyanam Dawut, the widow of the last Kucha Prince Dawut Mahsut, lives in a history museum in Kucha, Xinjiang. She is China’s “last Princess Consort,” but she also works in the museum. Her primary job is to take pictures with tourists in the renovated prince’s palace. Reyanam Dawut is also the protagonist of Liu Yujia’s video The Pale View of Hills (2018).

The opening of the video does not explain the protagonist’s life experience; instead, it offers a series of long takes of her living space and everyday life. The first scene takes place in the kitchen. The first thing we see is a door curtain, then we follow the camera pan to the deeper parts of the room, where we take in the refrigerator, microwave, sink, stovetop, windows, and various other everyday objects. These scenes of private life are interspersed with more public objects in interiors: a TV playing political news, displays of religious objects and ethnic decor, a flag, and a picture with officials placed next to a portrait of herself.







Liu Yujia, The Pale View of Hills (still), single-channel video, 2018, 39’26”. Courtesy of the Center for Experimental Film (CEF) WeChat Mini Program.

Next, the camera is fixed to the bathroom counter, capturing the protagonist cleaning the bathroom and marking her first appearance in the film. In this long take, the act of cleaning seems slow and deliberate. The time in the film seems synchronous with the viewers’ reality, and because of this immersion in the spatio-temporal realm presented by the film, viewers feel an intimacy with the woman in the video, who is still something of a stranger. Liu introduces the protagonist in this way, perhaps in order to avoid making her ethnicity the overwhelming first impression.

We quickly learn the woman’s special status when we see her sit properly on the living room sofa, wearing the same ethnic clothing she wore when she was cleaning. Fruit and snacks are piled on the coffee table in front of her, while pictures and décor are carefully arranged on the wall behind her. We have no idea how this reception room and the living spaces we just saw are connected inside the palace. Perhaps the door curtain we saw at the beginning of the film leads to the public reception room. “It wasn’t easy to get here, let’s take a picture.” Following the guide’s instructions in Mandarin, several tourists stand next to the Princess Consort, one after another. After the photograph is taken, the guide says, “Please just hand the money to the Princess Consort.” The price is 30 RMB per person. From the corner, the video camera captures the moments before and after the photograph. We cannot feel the presence of the camera or the artist. This observer’s perspective is reminiscent of a documentary, but we might also feel like we are seeing a recording of a performance. With the remaining time, the film returns to scenes from the protagonist’s daily life and shows the process of the photograph with a group of tourists, interspersed with several shots of the outdoors, local dance halls, and billiard rooms.

 Liu Yujia, The Pale View of Hills (still), single-channel video, 2018, 39’26”. Courtesy of the Center for Experimental Film (CEF) WeChat Mini Program.

The Princess Consort, a living fossil of the Kucha culture, is like a spectacle in the museum. It’s also worth noting that this Uyghur woman actively plays the role of the exotic Princess Consort and benefits from that—spectacularization and self-spectacularization are layered here. A Chinese viewer familiar with TikTok and Kuaishou will be no stranger to ethnic minority spectacles and the related consumption model, so this scene in the video does not seem out of place. However, through the artist’s carefully plotted cinematographic style, the video invites viewers into the protagonist’s everyday life and, through this lens, they can uncover the complex threads that can be used to interpret her ethnic identity—this is a deeper examination of spectacularization.

Looking back on the first few scenes, we discover that the protagonist’s private life seems to have entirely given way to public performance. Even when she is cleaning the bathroom, she wears the same ethnic dress that she wears to take pictures with tourists, as if she were always ready to greet a new group of visitors. At the same time, the TV broadcasts political propaganda recorded in the local language, transforming the ideology of ethnic unity and the intellectual mobilization related to Xinjiang’s de-radicalization into a continuous signal that fills the room. The camera brings the viewer through different spaces. Rather than saying that this switching between and comparison of private living space and public space used for display, it might be better to say that the film shows how an individual life can be coerced and regulated by spaces flooded with multiple levels of power relationships. The protagonist living in a museum is a bit like a long-caged lion. Her power as Princess Consort has been stripped away and she cannot escape the fate of continuing to play the role.

The Pale View of Hills focuses on this gendered, ethnicized, and spectacularized body, presenting this body and the space in which it exists to contemporary art audiences in video form. Instead of searching for an insider’s perspective to presenting the real borderlands, the artist seems to stress the encounter between the borderlands and the interior and build a vision or construction of ethnic identity on the foundation of that encounter. The Pale View of Hills may refer to a romantic vision of distant things that lies within the relationship between viewing and performing. Furthermore, performance is not a one-way display; it must be examined in relationship to viewers. The treatment of the relationship between viewing and performing in the film has a nuanced reflexiveness. The artist skillfully poses questions from the vague zone between reality and fiction, helping viewers to put themselves in the protagonist’s shoes and consider the deeper reasons for her awkward circumstances, while also pointing out the power relationships contained within these acts of imagining and viewing.

Few works of Chinese contemporary art engage with China’s borderlands and ethnic minority issues. Perhaps, rather than telling a story about the borderlands to challenge how mainstream television and film and the entire cultural industry has envisioned, portrayed, and marginalized ethnic minority women, the more pressing task lies in returning to the not-at-all neutral concept of the borderlands in order to discover and examine its associated contradictions and issues in the current social context. As a result, the work reflects a keen awareness of the issues. If borderlands are borderlands because of their relationships to power centers, then when engaging with borderland issues, the center must also be examined. For the same reason, work made about ethnic minorities cannot avoid the irreconcilable tension between the ethnicities that have been made minorities and the ethnicities placed at the center.

From this perspective, isn’t the creation and presentation of The Pale View of Hills a viewer-performance manifestation of the center-periphery relationship? On the one hand, this work on the borderlands made the protagonist’s everyday life more public and symbolic. Whether she is cleaning the bathroom or taking pictures with tourists, these everyday acts gain another level of performativity through the intermediary of the camera and are imbued in advance with a borderland sensibility. On the other hand, it is not an accident that the video is being exhibited in the center, which seems to confirm an almost self-evident assumption: Only viewers from the center are the target audiences for contemporary art, and only they are qualified to become ordinary viewers of contemporary art. The representation of the center-periphery relationship leaves many questions that need urgent answers: How should the borderlands that appear in the center in the name of contemporary art escape the fate of being othered once more? Could the borderlands speak for themselves? How can artworks featuring borderlands actually question viewers in the center? What meaning does this kind of work have for ethnic minority audiences and participants? Are local viewers of Chinese contemporary art devoid of ethnicity? What ethnic relationships are concealed within the representative public or audience in the local context?