Black Ocean pictures the human landscape destroyed as well as in construction, and its fragility as well as indestructibility. The structure of storytelling of this film is inspired by the novel <Invisible Cities> of Italian writer-Italo Calvino. Several chapters are interwoven with the debate and inquiry raised by Marco Polo and Kublai Khan about their imagined city and landscape in this film. It provides an entrance to allow the audience to get in, to wander, to get lost, and to find an exit or several ones somewhere at some time.

《黑色海洋》这部影片描绘了被摧毁与被建造的人类风景。它受到了意大利小说家-伊塔洛·卡尔维诺(Italo Calvino)的小说《看不见的城市》(Invisible Cities)的启发,由一些短小的章节构成,其中交织着马可波罗(Marco Polo)与忽必烈(Kublai Khan) 关于想象中的城市与风景的叙述、辩论与诘问。它提供一个入口,观众进入它,在里面行走、迷路,又在某一个时刻找到一个出口或者多个出口。

Artist Statement:

This is an urban industrial spectacle built by the monopolized resource industry, and naturally a place of extremely monetary value. Being established in the local gebi desert and yardang landform, it makes an immense and surreal film set aesthetics come into being. What’s in the lens are all real, only seem to be rather absurd.

Machines and animals are serialized in such areas constructed by humans, and this mechanic and unnatural system created the present situation there. People in the shoot are only shadows and signs, functional beings operating drilling platform, machines and vehicles, of no significance in this vast natural industrial landscape and a huge persistently-running system. They are dressed in the same uniform and show their appearance in groups as streams of ants, with no face identifiable in every shoot.

This work looks into the fragility and resilience of those spectacles built and destroyed by humans, presenting a primitive, gloomy, meanwhile peaceful, even hallucinogenic phantom place of its one foot rooted in the distant past, and another marching toward a far future.



在这样一片人类建造的区域,机械与动物都被编上了序号。机械与非自然的秩序催生了现在与当下。而那些出现在影像中的人,只是影子与迹象,他们操作钻井平台与各种器械或车辆,他们只是一种功能性 的生命,在恢宏的自然景观、工业景观、与一个庞大的运转体系下显得非常渺小。他们都身着统一的工服, 成群结对的出现在镜头里,蚂蚁一般,甚至镜头里不曾出现过他们的一张脸。它是野性的、阴郁的,它非常安宁,甚至是一片能引起幻觉的魅影世界,它一只脚扎根于遥远的过去, 一只脚迈向遥远的未来。

Why Not Ask Again?-Maneuvers, Disputations & Stories,11th Shanghai biennale, Power Station of Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016
“何不再问?正辩,反辩,故事”,第11届上海双年展,上海当代 艺术博物馆,上海,2016

Black Ocean,Single channel film,Color, Sound38’35”,2016,Ed.5+1AP


Steadfastly Revise for the Standards in Nonproductive Construction, Long March Space, Beijing, 2023

Screening:Dear Loneliness:Urban Solitude on Screen,M+ Art Museum, Hongkong, 2022

2022 Beijing Biennial,Beijing,2022

In Solidarity with ____?2022 "OCAT × KADIST Emerging Media Artist Program" Exhibition, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, 2022
“共同的____” 2022 OCAT × KADIST青年媒体艺术家项目展览单元,上海OCAT,上海,2022

The Planetary Wretched…Narratives on brutalist landscapes of depletion, Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech, USA, 2021
“可怜的星球...关于枯竭景观的叙事”,莫斯艺术中心,弗吉尼 亚,美国,2021

Liu Yujia|Never Been There, Vol.18 Digital Archive 2021, Center for Experimental Film, Shanghai, 2021

Screening: Elemental Relations-Thinking Ecologically through Artist Films and Videos, NYU Shanghai, 2021

Affect, Wuhan art Museum, Wuhan,2021

Sino-Wharf: from Chinatown to Red Internationalism, OCAT Shenzhen,Shenzhen,2020
“华文码头:从唐人街到红色国际主义”,OCAT深圳馆,深圳, 2020

Sino-Wharf: from Chinatown to Red Internationalism, Centre for Experimental Film, 2020
“华文码头:从唐人街到红色国际主义”,CEF实验影像中心, 上海,2020

Screening: Cosmopolis#2: Rethinking the human, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2019
放映: “Cosmopolis #2: Rethinking the human”, 蓬皮杜艺术中心,法国巴黎,2019

Video Bureau Archive 90: Liu Yujia,Beijing,Guangzhou, 2019
“录像局 档案 90:刘雨佳”,北京、广州,2019

Materializing Memory:Contemporary Video Art from China,University Art Gallery,University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA, 2019

Exhibition Curation and Design,OCT Art & Design Museum,Shenzhen,2019

What is it that makes today’s LIFE so different?2018-2019 Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year” Nominees’ Exhibition,Beijing,2019
“是什么使今日生活如此不同?”-保时捷“中国青年艺术家双年评 选”,北京,2019

After Nature: UCCA Dune Opening Exhibition, UCCA DUNE Art Museum, Beidaihe, 2018
“后自然:UCCA沙丘美术馆开幕展”,UCCA沙丘美术馆,北戴 河,中国,2018

Frontier:Re-assessment of Post-Globalisational Politics, OCAT,Beijing, 2018

Lianzhou Photo 2017 , Your Selfie Stick (and You),Lianzhou Photo Museum,Lianzhou, 2017
“2017 连州国际摄影年展,你的自拍杆”,连州摄影博物馆,连 州,2017

Resurrection-The Regeneration of Strongholds, Surplus Space, Wuhan, 2017
“复活”计划 -“据点的再生”,剩余空间,武汉,2017

A Chemical Love Story,Tang Contemporary Art Beijing, Beijing, 

Why Not Ask Again?-Maneuvers, Disputations & Stories,11th Shanghai biennale, Power Station of Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016
“何不再问?正辩,反辩,故事”,第11届上海双年展,上海当代 艺术博物馆,上海,2016